the road

the road
It's not about where you have been. It's about where your going....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Butterfies & Relief

So on Sunday I had probably the most stressful shoot I have gone through. Why, you ask? Because I was talking the pictures for my best friend, Heather and her husband Kevin. I always want my pictures to turn out good but these I wanted to turn out great!
The day started with off with a phone call from one of THE BEST photographers I know, Amy Dawnelle. She has really been helping me with everything. I love her photos and her advise really helps a lot. After talking to her and taking all her advise with me I was ready to shoe her what I could do! Then I got to the park and the nerves hit me, HARD!
It seemed like every picture I took was either too dark or way to bright. No matter where I moved them, and I moved them all over, nothing seemed to work. Towards the end I started to get a little frustrated with myself but I tried really hard not to let it show on my face. Once we got in the car to drive to the strip I started to look at the pictures that I had taken and I just thought, "ok there is nothing I can do now. If they are really bad i'm sure I can take them again." Then we got there and I had a whole other challenge which is better saved for another blog!
Looking back now and after doing all the editing I think that I actually overreacted! I think the pictures came out really nice. There are actually a lot that I love! I thank Heather for letting me take pictures of her and Kevin. I thank Kevin for actually wearing  a dress shirt and making it look goooood! I truly thank God for blessing me with amazing people in my life!

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