the road

the road
It's not about where you have been. It's about where your going....

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Children are not my talent

I want to start this blog by saying that I have the best friends in the whole world. I told the people I work with that I wanted to be a photographer and everyone was willing to let me take pictures of them and their families. I don't think I could ask for better people in my life. With that said let me tell you about what happened today......
Today was diffently an adventure. My friend Starr, who I have known for years, agreed to let me take pictures of her family. I was so happy that she said yes that I completely forgot that she has little grand-children. The oldest is 3! So I went into the shoot not really knowing what to exspect. Boy was that a mistake.
The children were so cute I am not saying anything bad about that but I just couldn't get a shot of them. I would get a good picture and then one of the girls wouldn't be smiling or one would be crying. I love photography but I don't think I am cut out for children photography. I will leave that to the professionals and the people who really love kids.
All in all I think I got a couple cute ones out of the day. I think I really need to start my photography class like now. I wish wednesday would hurry up and get here!




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