the road

the road
It's not about where you have been. It's about where your going....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Desert and Heather

I have to say that today has been a great day! I got to finally take pictures in the desert. Seeing as how I live smack in the middle of one. I think at the right time the desert can be a beautiful thing. Not to mention that I was with a really good friend.
Heather, who I've only known since I started working at Albertson's, is a really good friend. She loves to take pictures so her and I were perfect lol. The day started out a little dense but that lasted about....2 minutes. I mean the girl was a natural! Sometimes it was so hard to take pictures because we were laughing so hard. I think that makes for a really good shoot. Now I am not saying that I am an excerpt but it was really fun.
She was also up for anything. From climbing a wall that was something like an inch wide to getting down in the dirt. I even think she got a rock stuck in her butt, she laughed it off and we went on! I think both her and I were covered in dirt when everything was all said and done!
All in all it was a great day! I thank God that he has blessed me with such amazing friends! I love my friends for being so willing to help me start in this business! I know it is not going to be easy but with friends like I have I know the road is going to be a little easier! Thank you God, you a good!

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