the road

the road
It's not about where you have been. It's about where your going....

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Confusing Changes

I don't know where to start? I thought I had everything figured out and now I think I really don't have anything figured out. I use to know what I wanted and now... I just don't know? Ever since I was little when anyone would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up my answer was always the same, something in law enforcement. It went from a police officer, then a detective, then a profiler, and then a crime scene investigator. But the field never changed. That's what I wanted, that was my dream. Then when I got to high school things started to change.
I wanted to join the military, being really good in JROTC was a plus. I was good at it and I honestly can say that I loved it. I was also good in band but JROTC won my heart. I remember actually being excited to get up in the morning and go to school. 7th period was by far my favorite class, drill team. Then I got a job at Albertsons and high school ended. It was time for college and to actually decide what I wanted to be when I grew up.
College started and my major was nothing other than, Criminal Justice. My first year at UNLV was fun. I had no friends but the classes were fun and work actually worked with me so I could go to school and still keep my job. Then more changes happened and all of the sudden I went from a full time student to only taking one class a semester. Suddenly work became everything! I would get up in the morning, go to work, come home, sleep, and then do it all over again. That would be awesome if I liked what I did. Even to this day, 5 years later, I still work at Albertsons and right now I am not in school.
I'm not in school because if I restrict myself at work then I lose my hours, which means I lose money, which means I can't afford school. So I work as much as I can and put school on the back burner. Sitting here writing this makes me sad because you would think that a job would want you to further your education but that's not the case! Then one more change happens...
I decide to change my major from Criminal Justice to Photography and everything flips upside down. It's not enough that I can't afford to go to school but what really sucks is that now I actually want to go to school and become something better and I can't. I want to explore this amazing world and learn everything I can about this consantly changing field but I can't. I know where there is a will there is a way but I can't take the chance of my job finding out I'm going to school and cutting my hours, I can't take that chance! And the cherry on top of my pity cake is that the one person I thought would be happy for me, I don't really think is!
The one person who inspired me to chase a dream and don't let anyone or anything stop me seems to now not talk to me. It hurts because growing up we never really got along and then she became one of my best friends. I know there is a way to fix this but I'm so confused on how to? Do I change my major and go into another field and 10 or 15 years down the road wonder "what if"? Or do I not change my major and risk losing something dear to me?
So many questions and so many answers but which ones are the right answers? I'm confused and all I can say right now is changes are hard! I wish there was a way to just pull myself out of this and have everything be ok but I can't. Going through this will hopefully make me stronger and maybe....I don't know...I just don't know??

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