the road

the road
It's not about where you have been. It's about where your going....

Monday, September 27, 2010

Butterfies & Relief

So on Sunday I had probably the most stressful shoot I have gone through. Why, you ask? Because I was talking the pictures for my best friend, Heather and her husband Kevin. I always want my pictures to turn out good but these I wanted to turn out great!
The day started with off with a phone call from one of THE BEST photographers I know, Amy Dawnelle. She has really been helping me with everything. I love her photos and her advise really helps a lot. After talking to her and taking all her advise with me I was ready to shoe her what I could do! Then I got to the park and the nerves hit me, HARD!
It seemed like every picture I took was either too dark or way to bright. No matter where I moved them, and I moved them all over, nothing seemed to work. Towards the end I started to get a little frustrated with myself but I tried really hard not to let it show on my face. Once we got in the car to drive to the strip I started to look at the pictures that I had taken and I just thought, "ok there is nothing I can do now. If they are really bad i'm sure I can take them again." Then we got there and I had a whole other challenge which is better saved for another blog!
Looking back now and after doing all the editing I think that I actually overreacted! I think the pictures came out really nice. There are actually a lot that I love! I thank Heather for letting me take pictures of her and Kevin. I thank Kevin for actually wearing  a dress shirt and making it look goooood! I truly thank God for blessing me with amazing people in my life!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Desert and Heather

I have to say that today has been a great day! I got to finally take pictures in the desert. Seeing as how I live smack in the middle of one. I think at the right time the desert can be a beautiful thing. Not to mention that I was with a really good friend.
Heather, who I've only known since I started working at Albertson's, is a really good friend. She loves to take pictures so her and I were perfect lol. The day started out a little dense but that lasted about....2 minutes. I mean the girl was a natural! Sometimes it was so hard to take pictures because we were laughing so hard. I think that makes for a really good shoot. Now I am not saying that I am an excerpt but it was really fun.
She was also up for anything. From climbing a wall that was something like an inch wide to getting down in the dirt. I even think she got a rock stuck in her butt, she laughed it off and we went on! I think both her and I were covered in dirt when everything was all said and done!
All in all it was a great day! I thank God that he has blessed me with such amazing friends! I love my friends for being so willing to help me start in this business! I know it is not going to be easy but with friends like I have I know the road is going to be a little easier! Thank you God, you a good!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Children are not my talent

I want to start this blog by saying that I have the best friends in the whole world. I told the people I work with that I wanted to be a photographer and everyone was willing to let me take pictures of them and their families. I don't think I could ask for better people in my life. With that said let me tell you about what happened today......
Today was diffently an adventure. My friend Starr, who I have known for years, agreed to let me take pictures of her family. I was so happy that she said yes that I completely forgot that she has little grand-children. The oldest is 3! So I went into the shoot not really knowing what to exspect. Boy was that a mistake.
The children were so cute I am not saying anything bad about that but I just couldn't get a shot of them. I would get a good picture and then one of the girls wouldn't be smiling or one would be crying. I love photography but I don't think I am cut out for children photography. I will leave that to the professionals and the people who really love kids.
All in all I think I got a couple cute ones out of the day. I think I really need to start my photography class like now. I wish wednesday would hurry up and get here!




Baseball.....not easy to shoot

On Friday I attended my friend Melissa's baseball game. I was more nervous than when I shot Trinity & Brandon's pictures. Not only was the game at night, which is hard to shoot pictures in, but it was also a baseball game, which means motion which also means a lot of blurry pictures. I must admit that I had a TON of blurry ones but I got a couple good ones too.
Besides the shoot I had a great time hanging out with everyone on the team. I actually played with a couple of them last session but this season was just to hard with work and everything. I actually wanted to jump out there and start playing even though baseball is totally not my sport. Honestly, no sport is my sport but I still like to try and play. When I played with them last time they were amazing people and they still are. Jimmy, Melissa's husband, is still so passionate about the game and fairness of the game. Lou is still as funny as ever, she even paid for me to get in because Melissa forgot to tell me about the "cash only" rule. Phillip is stronger than ever and still runs faster than anyone I know. Then there is Autumn, Melissa and Jimmy's beautiful little girl. She doesn't play but she still as cute as ever and she also just as witty.
All in all it was a great night and I am really glad that I went. Doing this shoot helped me realize that I don't have a future in action photography. Which I am totally okay. I still like going, watching, and sometimes playing. They have another game next Friday if anyone is interested about going.
I know I will be there!


Monday, September 6, 2010

Let's Get Naked - The Band

Today was a good day. My friend Christa's brother is in a band named "Let's Get Naked". I asked her if they would let me take their pictures and strangly enough they said yes. The name before I was totally nervous because the last photo shoot I did was good but it wasn't great. I actually started to doubt that I had what it took to be a photographer. My dreams that night were good good, let me tell you.
Then my alarm sang and I woke up to a beautiful morning. I was still nervous but I brushed the nerves off and got in my car to head to Christa's house. The drive was nice, long, but still nice. A little Paramore to get me in the mood and everything was good.
I didn't really know what to expect when her truck pulled up but after meeting the band members the nerves were gone! They were so much fun and you could tell that really liked being together. Jake, the guitarist and Christa's brother, was a little stiff but as the hour went on he really got with it. Lindsey, the drummer, was great. She really got into it with the boys. She is not a push over by any means. Finally Kiley, the bassist and guitarist, he was probably the most comfortable infront of the camera. I think he has actually done it before.
Everyone was great today and it gave me a little bit more confidence to do this crazy thing that I am doing. I hope that my next photo shoot will be as fun and full of laughs as this one was!


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Trinity & Brandon

On Friday was my first photo shoot. One of my coolest friends, Trinity, agreed to let me take pictures of her and her "Honey" Brandon. I have got to say that I was so nerves! I had never really done anything like that. Going to some place and having people pose for me while I take their pictures...awkward!
We drove out to Lake Las Vegas because that is where everyone said we should go but to be perfectly sucked! I mean there were still pretty places but nothing like I had remembered. But even though we still took pictures and I think they came out really well. You could really tell that I am new at this.
So now that it has been 2 days since the shoot I have got to be honest. I don't think I am cut out for this. I let the nerves get the better of me and that can't happen. I felt so weird telling Trinity and Brandon where to stand and how to stand. I really didn't even know what to say or how to put them. I thought that this is what I wanted but right now I am not so sure?
Maybe I just need some practice or something. I actually think I need to take some classes ha ha good thing I have looked into photography classes at UNLV. Maybe they can help me out :) Until then I guess I am just gonna have to practice. Maybe when I get really good Trinity & Brandon will let me take their pictures over again and I can show them what I can really do!

Trintiy & Brandon

the rose....

Add caption

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Today is brand new day

Today was nothing special. I went to work, saw my friends, and then came home. Nothing really special from the outside looking in. But today was special at least to me. Today was the day that something clicked inside of me.
I don't know if it was the people I was talking to or just my head and my heart finally clicking together. All I know is that today was special. I think I am finally starting to listen to my heart and opening my ears to His voice.
For awhile there I was really lost. It felt like I was walking down a road with no sense of where I was or where I should be going. I thought I knew the way but it turned out that I didn't have a single clue. Some days were harder than others and some were simply a blank. Then one night I found myself sitting on my bedroom floor crying. I felt empty inside with nothing left of myself to give. I think that was the moment that I truly heard His voice. It felt like a giant hug had suddenly wrapped around me. I felt warm, safe, and the tears finally stopped. It took a few days to put everything together but I think I have finally got it.
So here is to the future and to everything that it will bring.

Today was a day just like any other. It was I who changed and I am the reason today was special.