the road

the road
It's not about where you have been. It's about where your going....

Monday, December 20, 2010

A concert or something more.....

I recently attended a concert. Well actually two concerts by the same artists. Yes, the set lists were the same. But I don't think the concerts were exactly the same.
The band was an amazing Christian Rock band, BarlowGirl. A band made up of three amazing sisters; Rebecca (31, guitar, and vocals), Alyssa (28, piano, bass, vocals), and Lauren (25, drums, vocals). They have been in a band together for 10 years and I think they are just getting better! But getting back to the concert, let me tell you why I went twice.
This band is more than just a band who plays great music. They are a band who is changing the way people think. Daring people to stand out and make a difference in this world. During their concerts they do more than play music. They interact with the audience, they make you laugh, they taunt each other, and most importantly they help you realize that there is more out there.
For along time I thought that I wasn't worth anything. I thought that maybe if I ran away from it all everyone would be better off. I also felt so alone in the world, like no one could or would ever understand me. One day I was walking home listening to the radio when the station I was listening to suddenly went to static. I tried to find a station that would come in but all I got was this song that I had no clue what it was. As I listened I began to listen to the lyrics and they moved me. Later I found that the song was called "Never Alone" and the artist was a band named BarlowGirl. After that I was hooked!! I now have all their Cd's and their music still moves me to this day.
I think one of the biggest reasons I like them so much is because they helped me see myself in a different light. They helped me realize that I am not worthless and that God loves me. I know that sounds crazy but open yourself up and listen to their music and you might find out what I'm talking about. This world trys to make us feel bad about ourselves and I don't think that is right. Why do girls feel like that they have to have a boyfriend to be important? Or dress in clothes that don't fit AT ALL just to turn some heads? And why do you have to be a certain size to find nice clothes? If we all didn't listen to what the magazines and TVs are telling us then maybe we all might feel better about ourselves! But no it is all about money, power, and how much you can beat the other guy down. And that is just not right!!
A lot of people might not think the way I do and you know what I am starting to really not care! I happen to like who I am and I am just starting to feel comfortable in my own skin. And it all started with BarlowGirl and I am proud to call myself a fan of their music and their message. They are amazing women who push the envelope and that is amazing! Here are a couple of pictures from the show....

Friday, December 17, 2010

Two shoots in one day

So the same day I did the snow pictures I had another shoot with 2 more of my amazing friends! Let me tell you a little bit of why I think they are amazing....
First Kaytlin. I don't know where I would be without this girl in my life. She is so beautiful inside and out. I can't believe that I am lucky enough to call her one of my best friends. Her baby boy, Seth is just as sweet and beautiful! She is now and will be an even better mother. I love you girl!!
Now for Marlena...I have to say that she is an amazing person! Another one of my beautiful friends who's beauty is more than just skin deep! She always makes me laugh and sometimes so hard I actually cry. My life would be boring without her in it! Love you chica
I think this is the first shoot where the subjects got dirtier than I actually did. That almost never happens because I am always getting down in the dirt to try and capture the best picture I can. But these girls were troopers! Anything I wanted them to do they did besides be serious but hey that is ok :)
Amazing day altogether! Now if there would be more days like this then I think life would be happier for everyone :) Time to start living like there is no tomorrow!!

Snow in Vegas.....who knew??

About  a week ago I drove up to Mt. Charleston with some friends. Seeing as how we live in Las Vegas there is no snow so we have to drive. I've actually only been to Mt. Charleston 2 other times.
The first was with my grandparents when we went on a sleigh ride :) It is actually my favorite memory of my grandfather. Him and I had a snowball fight and the three of us sang Christmas songs. I guess you could say that it is also one of my favorite Christmas memories too. The other time was with my friend Heather. Her family owns a cabin up there and we went up there for a weekend getaway.
But this trip was also very memorable. I think mainly because Brandon kept slipping. Every time we looked back Brandon slipped father and farther behind. Then the funniest moment had to be when we walked down this little hill and Heather decided to slide down the hill instead of walk. I don't think I have ever laughed so hard!
It was a great time and I have even more amazing memories! Hiking up the mountain, finding spots that would work, trying to get ideas or poses, and teaching Trinity to smile with her eyes. I feel like with every shoot I am getting a little better. I can't wait to actually start doing this as my full time job! Everyone has to have a job that they love, right?

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving thanks

Today was a day to remember. Not only because I was with my family but it was also Thanksgiving! So Happy Thanksgiving everyone or anyone that is reading this. One thing that I love about Thanksgiving is the fact that I am with my family.
Looking back to when I was little there are very few memories that don't come from family get togethers. Either Thanksgiving or Christmas. I can even remember a few Easters with all the family. But I love my family! <3 I may not see them as much anymore or even really talk to them a whole lot but I love my crazy mixed up family. It's hard actually going up because everyone tells you that when you get older you'll be wishing to go back. In a way everyone was right because when I was younger everything was easier and everyone was there because we were all so young. But now my oldest cousin has a girlfriend and lives in Florida, the next two in line are married with kids, then there is the 4!
The 4 include: Myself, my cousin Nate, my cousin Taylor, and my cousin Sammie. When we were younger we did everything together and when I say everything I pretty much mean everything! I remember camping trips where Nate, Taylor, and I would terrorize Sammie. I remember a time when Nate and I were like best friends and we didn't want anything to do with Taylor or Sammie. And now.....Nate is engaged!! To a great girl named Audrey. Taylor is for the greatest reasons one of my best friends. and Sammie is really starting to grow on me.....
So much so I decided to have a little photo shoot with her today. It was awesome because I think for the first time I got to see another side of Sam and I liked what I saw! I may not be able to go back in time but I think today helped me remember that I'm looking forward to what the future brings. Bring it....

Friday, November 12, 2010

What is love?

A question that I ask a lot is what is love? Never having been in love myself I don't really know...but I do know what it should be. Being with someone who makes you smile no matter what kind of mood you are in. Loving someone for their flaws and their uniqueness. Being with someone who makes you feel special so much so that you just can't help let it out. If that is the case then maybe I shot a little bit of that today....
I had a shoot today with my good friend Christa and her boyfriend Tommy. I've known Christa since I got transferred to my current store and let me tell you that Christa having a boyfriend is nothing really special. I am not being mean ask her and she will tell you. So I was surprised when she said that she wanted to take pictures with Tommy.
When we first got to sunset park Tommy was a little quiet which was different for Christa. But as the day went on and he got a little more lose I could see why Christa let me take these pictures. Her and Tommy are really cute together. Taking their pictures was easy because they made each other laugh. I didn't really have to do a lot but press the button on my camera.
Being behind a camera lets you see who people really are. There is not much you can really hide from a camera. Will Christa and Tommy make it to forever....I don't know? But I do know that there is something there. If you don't believe me maybe you can see it in the pictures....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Second chances

Sometimes second chance are the best thing. When I first started out in this photography bussiness I was nervous and so very scared. My first shoot was with me good friend Trinity and her boyfriend Brandon. I litterally only took about 20 pictures and only edited about 4. I was so nervous I didn't have any confidence in myself. But that is the beauty of second chances.
Yesterday I got to reshoot pictures for Trinity. Everything was so different I was amazed! Even Trinity could tell that things were going better. When that happens you know you have something great happening. The location was better, the lightening was amazing, and even Trinity's curly hair stayed together. This time I had in total about 350 pictures to start and edited about 20 of them.
I had a great time with Trinity and I know that things are getting better. Other things may be falling apart of photography is not and I am so thankful for that! You know you wanna see the pictures...well here are a few of my favorites!!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Baby showers!

So on Sunday I had the opportunity to shoot my first baby shower. I gotta tell you I was nervous. I don't know why I was so nervous I was just going to a house I had never been to with a house full of people I have never seen before. No reason to be nervous!! I keep getting more and more nervous which is not good because in this profession you can't be nervous when you meet new people.
I first have to give a huge thank you to Janice who invited me to the shower and also a huge thank you to her daughter Amber who is actually having the baby. I think the first problem was that the party was at 3 in the afternoon so the light wasn't all that great. Also the light that I did have was fading quickly! I think the biggest problem though was that I was very unprepared! I have to learn more and keep practicing. But that is why we go things over and over again so we get better! I still have a lot to learn but I am an pen book just waiting to be filled with information.
Anyhow the results came out nice. I think so anyway....I hope that Amber and Janice like them. I also can't wait until December when Amber has the baby and she said I could take the newborn pictures! I am very excited about that but that is if they still want me to....