the road

the road
It's not about where you have been. It's about where your going....

Friday, December 17, 2010

Two shoots in one day

So the same day I did the snow pictures I had another shoot with 2 more of my amazing friends! Let me tell you a little bit of why I think they are amazing....
First Kaytlin. I don't know where I would be without this girl in my life. She is so beautiful inside and out. I can't believe that I am lucky enough to call her one of my best friends. Her baby boy, Seth is just as sweet and beautiful! She is now and will be an even better mother. I love you girl!!
Now for Marlena...I have to say that she is an amazing person! Another one of my beautiful friends who's beauty is more than just skin deep! She always makes me laugh and sometimes so hard I actually cry. My life would be boring without her in it! Love you chica
I think this is the first shoot where the subjects got dirtier than I actually did. That almost never happens because I am always getting down in the dirt to try and capture the best picture I can. But these girls were troopers! Anything I wanted them to do they did besides be serious but hey that is ok :)
Amazing day altogether! Now if there would be more days like this then I think life would be happier for everyone :) Time to start living like there is no tomorrow!!

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